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Discsussion 33

Discsussion 33

Q Discussion - The College Transition - Discussion Group 1 From PSYC-01A-52041 For incoming freshmen, the transition from high school to college may be difficult. Research has shown that nearly one-third of college freshmen do not enroll the following year. Why does this happen? In an article titled “The Transition from Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation in the College Classroom: A First-Year Experience A First-Year Experience” written by Thompson and Thornton (2002), this topic is discussed. The authors suggest that high school students are extrinsically motivated by grades, attendance, detentions, and suspensions. A college student, on the other hand, is not. The authors suggest that learning is intrinsically motivating and the transition between the two experiences can be difficult. In a 250-300 word response, explain why you agree or disagree with the authors, and describe any difficulties you experienced when starting college. Reply to at least two other students in 75-100 words.

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Hello Classmates, In this article written by Thompson and Thornton he suggest that high school students are motivated by grades, attendance, detentions, and suspensions. I agree with Thompson and Thornton in my opinion high school student's depend on there instructors like their parent's. What I mean by that is, you know if you don't follow the rules or do your work there will be consequences such as a parent teacher conference or detention. High school life is so much easier than college life. Why? Because your kept on a stricter schedule between instructors and parent's. If your behind they will tell you and help you out. Plus, no one want's to flunk a year behind right because society wouldn't allow you to live without the guilt right. Now, on the other hand college is so much more different.